Have a great idea or small business that just needs some financial help to get to the next stage? Lake Placid Incubation & Angel Investors believes that investing in the right people and ideas can create a mutually beneficial relationship. Give us a shout and tell us what you are thinking and we will see if we can help!

With years of business and education experience, the principal partners at Lake Placid Incubation & Angel Investors are a great resource to help incubator members grow their ideas and businesses, providing coaching, advice, direction and support.

Incubator members are able to better market their business by tapping into our marketing programs and expertise.

While not the most fun part of running a business, proper accounting procedures are a must. Lake Placid Incubation & Angel Investors will oversee all business accounting needs, as well as corporate governance requirements, so our members can focus on their core business.

Incubator members have access to classes in a wide range of subject areas to help with development and business growth. Common classes include: how to write a business plan, how to write a budget, how to use Microsoft Excel, how to use social media for marketing, English as a second language, and many more!